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Schauergebnisse SRA Beckum-Dalmer (SIG)
19.06.2022 ~ R: Rolf Blessing, D - MZ 30, anwesend 29
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VKR(1): V1) CACs-V, SIG-VSgr. Classic Scots Moments of Glory junior
VDH/ZBrH SHE 23260, *12.4.13, tri (Ch. Allpeachys Moments of Glory x Green Paradise Zoe of New Year)
JKR(5): V1) CACs-J, SIG-JSgr. Kindle Passion Black Diamond
VDH SSCD 5331, *27.7.21, tri (Dawnville Ahead Of The Game x Hermine vom Münzenberger Sheltiecamp)
V2) RCACs-J Ever Lovely Good as Gold
RKF 6023140, *9.5.21, tri (Blue Ice iz Grafskogo Pomestija x Ever Lovey Augusta Frederica)
SG3) Amideros Escape from Talon
VDH/ZBrH SHE 27439, *21.7.21, blm (Ori's Back Dark Devil x Danna Blue Proud of Halliwell)
SG4) Classic Scots Sounds Like Fun
VDH/ZBrH SHE 27327, *23.5.21, tri (Classic Scots Moments of Glory junior x Classic Scots Pringles Hot and Spicy)
ZwKR(2): V1) CACs a handful of joy Duncan
VDH/ZBrH SHE 26974, *27.10.20, tri (Blue Witch Like A Prayer x Gold 'n' Silver Morrigan)
Sg2) Uno vom Ponyhügel
VDH SSCD Reg. 0312, *17.8.20, zw (Ch. Light my Fire Luca vom Erkelenzer Land x Bonnie vom Ponyhügel)
ChKR(1): V1) CACs Ch. Pongo Blue Sky De L'Ile Des Bergers
VDH 20/SIGÜ00025, *19.1.19, blm (Monsieur Le Marquis Des Mille Eclats Des Tournesols x Lipstick South Color Des Lutins De Cassiopée)
OKR(2): V1) CACs, SIG-Sgr., BoB Beutlin's All was Well
VDH/ZBrH SHE 26371, *30.6.19, tri (Ch. Eros von der x Taiga Qui Gagnent Touts Les Coeurs)
V2) RCACs Adel Tawil from Dangerous Dream
VDH SSCD 3768, *15.8.17, blm (L'Ete Sera Latino Des Lutins Des Cassioppée x Quilt Bi from Marmorea's Shelter)
BKH(2): Vv1) Diana von den kleinen Raudies
VDH 22/SIG 00202, *12.1.22, zw (Ch. Lavika London Look x Red Rose Sparks of The Tempest)
Vv2) Krammedyret Bi Blue Blue Hawaii
DK 02898/2022, *31.1.22, blm oT (Zitara Star's An Heart Of Wisdom x Xtreme Beauty Line D'Ares Da Serra)
VKH(2): V1) CACs, SIG-VSgr. Ch. Little-Golden Gigi of Queensland
VDH SSCD 2052, *2.6.13, zw (Ch. Excellent Choice Such Is Life x Ch. Little-Uhura in Gold of Queensland)
V2) RCACs-V Mia
VDH SSCD Reg. 0145, *21.12.11, tri (Nicht nach VDH- und FCI-Regeln gezüchtet)
JKH(9): V1) CACs-J, SIG-JSgr. Ella of the American Line
VDH SSCD 5203, *27.4.21, zw (Ch. Buehneman's Built To Last x Wendy of the American Line)
V2) RCACs-J Meta von Burg Venhaus
VDH 21/SIGR00099, *24.3.21, blm (L'Ete Sera Latino Des Lutins De Cassiopée x Enie von Burg Venhaus)
V3) Beatrix vom Teutonengold
VDH/ZBrH SHE 27401, *26.6.21, zw (Ch. Gyszmo from Lady Lucia x J'adore of Silver-Shadow)
V4) Adele from Granated stone
VDH 21/SIG 00119, *11.6.21, blm (L'Ete Sera Latino Des Lutins De Cassiopée x Fiene von Burg Venhaus)
V) Hyena's Dream Arya
VDH SSCD Reg. 0325, *7.9.21, blm oT (Chun Xia Bi Time x Ema ze Zlaté vhezdy)
V) High Glen Rising Sun
VDH/ZBrH SHE 27512, *25.8.21, zw (Sir Edmund the Sprightly Twinkle x High Glen Lovely Samantha)
SG) Berni's Terioki Ukhti-Tukhti
RKF 6021964, *18.3.21, zw (Traditional Style S Egerskoy Slobody x Dakota S Egerskoy Slobody)
SG) Mystic Moonlight Blue Mon Cherié
VDH SSCD 5461, *, blm (Zyno von Hauschteckslust x Smiling Shel-Team Mystic Wonder)
SG) Catie of the country hills
VDH 21/SIG 00102, *16.3.21, tri (Adel Tawil from Dangerous Dreamx Green Paradise Angel of the Morning)
ZwKH(4): V1) CACs, SIG-Sgr., BH High Glen Packet of Love
VDH/ZBrH SHE 26923, *12.8.20, zw (Ch. Lundecock's Surprise Packet x High Glen Magic Moondance)
V2) RCACs Little-Uni Sweet Girl of Queensland
VDH 21/SIG 00085, *19.1.21, zw (Ch. Rivermist Stand By Me x Ch. Little-Golden Gigi of Queensland)
V3) Agility Jumper Gem of Charm
VDH/ZBrH SHE 26879, *7.7.20, blm (Buster with eager to work x Ch. Wild Thing from Marmorea's Shelter)
Sg4) Eleonore from Sugarbuck
VDH 21/SIGR00076, *7.1.21, tri (Szerman z Kojca Coli x Anni from Sugarbuck)
OKH(2): V1) CACs Arisco Aspen from Dangerous Dream
VDH SSCD 3772, *16.9.17, blm (L'Ete Sera Latino Des Lutins De Cassiopée x Quilt Bi from Marmorea's Shelter)
Sg2) Shape of Blue Hope Kindly Kim
SHSB/LOS 758964, *26.5.18, b/w (Uno Lohrien x Hieven Nike Katchinas Keeper of Hope)
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