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Schauergebnisse Sheltie IRA Nürnberg (CfBrH)
14.01.2018 ~ R: Edith Soltesz, A ~ MZ 51, anw. 41
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Danke, Susanne Roser für die Übermittlung der Ergebnisse.

JüKR (4): Vv1) Galaxy Star Logan The Pride of Rough's
ZBrH 25368, *18.5.17, tri (Charming Curtis The Pride of Rough's – Vive La La Vie Grand Canyon)
vsp2) Sunblessed Forest Jarret
ZBrH 25349, *12.5.17 (Ch. Lucky blue Qui Gagnent Touts Les Coeurs x Sunblessed Forest Coraline)
JKR (7): V1) CACs-J Fascination Blue Frost The Pride of Roughs
SHE 25136, *4.11.16, blm (Ch. Moorwood Caribbean Blue Flash - Phoebe The Pride of Rough's)
V2) RCACs-J Rainbow Dragon Eirian
SSCD 3458, *13.2.17, d'zw (Timeless Joy Shake Rattle And Roll - Rainbow Dragon Caoimhe)
V3) Tequila vom Affinger Bach
SSCD 3533, *3.4.17, zw (Ch. Gyszmo from Lady Lucia - Ch. Estelle vom Affinger Bach)
Sg4) Benny vom Aitrachtal
SSCD 3523, *31.3.17 (Lovesome Xeon x Gabi-Prinzeß von Groß Salze)
Sg) Brady with Heart and Cleverness
ZBrH 25259, *9.2.17 (Piro The Pride of Rough’s x Quinta vom Peraloh)
Sg) Dax vom Storchengrund
SSCD 3469, *20.2.17 (Ch. Proper Dandy of little Wonderland x Carina vom Storchengrund)
ZwKR (1): V1) CACs,
Grand Dennis from my little Heart
blm, ZBrH 24983, *28.6.16 (Gassimou vom Schafhügel x Blue Samira The Pride of Rough’s)
ChKR (2): V1) CACs Whisky Cream z Hermanová dvorá
zw, CMKU/SHE/8925/12, *25.5.12 (Tachnamadra The Designer x Angelina z Hermanová dvorá)
V2) RCACs Ch. Qwodin Heartbeat Line of Albusla's Lady
SSCD 0936, *12.4.10, blm (Ch. Green Paradise Upside Down - Coming up Ebony Magic of Albula's Lady)
OKR (7): V1) CACs,
Tycancy Highlight
ÖHZB/SHET 2264, *21.3.14 (Dangerous Lover Lohrien x Tycancy A La Carte)
V2) RCACs TheLook Go For It Texas
ZBrH SHE 24948, *15.12.14, tri (Änghagens Knott - Zarvo's go Fore The Look)
V3) Exclusive Gucci The Pride of Rough’s
ZBrH 24586, *25.10.15 (Leigh-Hi’s Tricious Style x Phoebe The Pride of Rough’s)
V4) Like of Perfect Dream
ZBrH 23798, *25.3.14 (Shellove Man After Midnight x Candy of Perfect Dream)
V) Aiko vom Aitrachtal
SSCD 2697, *6.2.15, d’zw (A Touch of Angus from Strawberry Country - Gabi-Princes von Groß Salze)
VKH (1): 1) CACs-V, BV Zilli Black Prinzeß von Groß Salze
ZBrH SHE 21047, *25.10.09, tri (Orson von Groß Salze - Gritt Black von Groß Salze)
JüKH (4): Vv1) Amazing Maya z Perlabi
*7.5.17 (Keepsake Kailo ze Shetlandu x Face to Face Fervidus)
Vv2) Perfect For Me Become Addicted
ÖHZB 2893, *5.5.17 (Johnny Walker of Summergarden x Glamorous Girl of Desert Meadow)
Vv3) First Lady am Woogbach
SSCD 3607, *11.5.17, zw (Say So Serenczas - Donna Lottchen vom Schloß Ramstedt)
Vv4) Rainbow Dragon Faelyn
SSCD 3563, *22.4.17, d’zw (Variety of Colour Aodhán - Drling Dakota vom Dillberg)
JKH (12): V1) CACs-J,
My Greatest Delight Becky
ZBrH 25160, *5.12.16 (Charming Curtis The Pride of Rough’s x Keira of Perfect Dream)
V2) RCACs-J Toffifee vom Affinger Bach
SSCD 3535, *3.4.17, zw (Ch. Gyszmo from Lady Lucia - Ch. Estelle vom Affinger Bach)
V3) July Jackpot Diabelskie Rozdroze
ZBrH SHE 25397, *28.2.17, zw (Spy Who Loved Me Serenczas - Funny Angel Diabelskie Rozdroze)
V4) Amy Blue Wish of Plush Power
ZBrH 25224, *24.1.17 (Ch. Danny blue Qui Gagnent Touts Les Coeurs x Perfect Sunshine in Black from Manor at Mountain)
V) Rainbow Dragon Estelyn Esyllt
SSCD 3461, *13.2.17 (Timeless Joy Shake Rattle and Roll - Rainbow Dragon Caoimhe)
V) Cazoo with Speed and Sound
SSCD 3535, *29.12.16 (Ch. Black Delight Gunpowder in Blue x Hanni Black vom Ailberg)
Sg) Bonamie with Heart and Cleverness
ZBrH 25260, *9.2.17 (Piro The Pride of Rough’s x Quinta vom Peraloh)
Sg) Bonny vom Aitrachtal
SSCD 3526, *31.3.17, zw (Ch. Lovesome Xeon - Gabi-Prinzeß von Große Salze)
Sg) Zastava Polcolland
PKR.I-84114, 16.3.17, blm oT (Shining Charm Honey Bee - Wolga Czarna Polcolland)
Sg) Fly High with power and passion
ZBrH SHE 25187, *17.12.16, tri (Buster with eager to work - Amazing Twix with power and passion)
ZwKH (5): V1) CACs,
Sunblessed Forest Isleen
ZBrH SHE 25100, *28.9.16, blm (Nappo vom Goldbachmoor - Sunblessed Forest Allie)
V2) RCACs Nelly dark Girl von der Lichten Zeile
SSCD 3158, *6.4.16, d’zw (Ch. Doodle Jump Devil of Burning Mountain – Ch. Judy von der Lichten Zeile)
Sg3) Amberbliss Dawn of Delight
SSCD 3185, *2.5.16 (Ch. Lad Logan von Berwangen x Elvenlight Cottage Rose)
Sg4) Don't stop me from little Robin Hood
ZBrH SHE 24779, *12.3.16, tri (Tooralie Heart's Delight At Morestyle - Batida from little Robin Hood)
ChKH (1): V1) CACs Ch. Batida from little Robin Hood
ZBrH SHE 22181, *21.5.11, zw (Ch. C-A-Moon Versace - Ayleen of Perfect Dream)
OKH (6): V1) CACs,
Chiemsee Starlight Aria
SSCD 2891, *4.7.15 (Ch. Black Delight Gunpowder In Blue x Bavarians Best)
V2) RCACs Carlotta vom Juengstberg
SSCD Reg.0139, *24.6.15, blm (Ch. Danny blue qui gagnent touts le couers - Hope)
V3) Gabi-Prinzeß von Groß Salze
SSCD 1707, *23.7.12, d'zw (Orson Prinz von Groß Salze - Gritt Black von Groß Salze)
V4) Donna Lottchen vom Schloss Ramstedt
SSCD 1624, *6.8.14, zw (Vincent vom Schloss Ramstedt - Jala vom Schloss Ramstedt)
V) Noomi vom Affinger Bach
SSCD 2509, *9.9.14, tri (Ch. Pepper from Lady Lucia - Ch. Blue Diamond from Manor at Mountain)
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